Tourism Development

Research & Development

We offer qualitative and quantitative township and village tourism research and development services for the industry stakeholders

Supplier Development


Destination Development

Development and promotion of national routes, that interlink Township and Village tourism experiences and services.

Destination Marketing

Continuously educate and promote tourism in the VTSDs to ensure sector sustenance and participation for all people.

Market Access- facilate and Promote South African township and village tourism products, service and experiences through collaborative market access programs targeting the domestic, regional and international tourist market Offer Digital Market Access and trading tools for our members – visit

MICE- promote and host local, regional and international Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events in townships and Villages

Tourism Guide Development & Heritage Development

promote, develop and conserve South Africa’s township and village story, history and heritage through digital platforms and strategic partners.
Continuously promote the use and development of local Tourist Guides, site guides and story tellers to improve global competitiveness
Pre-register for the SATOVITO Tourist Guide Lekgotla 2022